Bec Hopkins


Bec Hopkins is a British artist living and working in West Sussex. She studied art foundation in Brighton, followed by a gap year before university which turned in to a gap decade before having children. Bec travelled the world and worked in the charity sector. After having her first child she picked up her brushes again. A friend bought her first painting while it was still drying.

Bec’s art revolves around her love and connection with the ocean and sea swimming. Through her pieces Bec aims to capture the joy within the waves and the feeling of freedom and connection to nature that comes with swimming in open waters.

Medium and technique

Bec experiments with mixed media with a big focus on PLAY.

Her work is heavily centred around texture, colour and collage – using a variety of mediums such as gold leaf, paint and vintage paper combining mid century imagery with modern bursts of colour.

What to expect

For the Art Above Exhibition Bec will be exhibiting a range of framed original swimmer collages, prints and cards.

(Each of these original collages are A4 khadi paper framed in 40 x 50 white frame) –  the cost of each framed piece is £175