Ann Sylvia Ford

Form is very much where and why I draw or paint. My love of shape and colour is the reason for subjects chosen. The outdoors has an abundance of all these things and I love to capture as many creatures, plants and views in my work. As I live in a farming area it is an opportunity to discover all of these things.

As a child I loved to make things and learnt to sew, knit, draw and paint from a very early age. I inherited the love of art from my Mother and Grandfather who were/are artists themselves. Of course growing up and in my early years of being a married woman with 2 small children did delay a serious start to my art education. However I did still use all of these skills, making clothes and encouraging them to get involved with art during these early years.
It wasn’t until my mid-late 20’s that I decided to do my A levels in Art and this encouraged me to continue all through my life studying Art when I could in one form or another. It was not until my late sixties that I decided to take a very serious study and managed to complete a BA in Fine Art.
All of this was amazing and I still continue to take many courses in contemporary methods on a regular basis.

Ann Sylvia Ford