Lorna Casey


Lorna started to learn to make stained glass in 2006 with a one-off project to make a window for her front door. However, she became very interested in the craft and has continued ever since, extending her knowledge and skills, making a wide variety of glass windows, 3-D sculptures and hanging pieces, large and small.

Medium and technique

Lorna uses a variety of techniques, including leaded windows and sculptures, copperfoil pictures, using both coloured and hand-painted glass. In addition she has been making a variety of glass mosaic pictures, including mirror tiled pieces suitable for the garden. She continues to experiment with her chosen medium of glass as it offers so many design possibilities, making use of natural and projected light to complete the pieces.

What to expect

For the “Art Above Exhibition”, Lorna will be displaying a variety of her glass works, from small hanging pieces to larger pictures, some in wooden or lead frames and larger more complex designs mounted on a wooden base or mirror background.