Fees and Commission
Wall space is charged at £11 per linear metre per week and sizes vary to currently include:
1.35m = £14.50 per week
1.50m = £16.50 per week
1.65m = £18.25 per week
1.75m = £19.25 per week.
1.85m = £20.00 per week
2.00m = £22.oo per week
2.10m = £23.00 per week
2.30m = £25.00 per week
2.50m = £27.50 per week
Tables 6ft x 2.5ft = £22.00 per week
Glass Cabinets = £22.00 per week
You will be invoiced per session in advance for your fees.
Fees are due on acceptance of your place and are non-refundable.
Minimum sign up when first joining the Gallery is 8 weeks.
A Full 28 days written notice in advance must be given of intention to leave at the end of a Session or the following months fees will be charged.
A few Guest Artist spaces may be available from time to time that don’t involve a stewarding commitment but will instead increase fees by £10 per week on any space
Commission on all sales will be charged at 25%.
Existing gallery members will always have precedence for peak months.
A few Guest Artist spaces may be available from time to time that don’t involve a stewarding commitment but will instead increase fees by £10 per week on any space