Rosemary Jones

I am an artist specialising in linocut printmaking. The main focus of my prints is the landscape of the Downs in West Sussex and views around Worthing, where I live. I love walking on the beach and in the countryside and translating what I see into my artworks – either the blue of the sea and the sky or into my complicated many-layered and multicoloured reduction linocut prints. I also enjoy making prints of flowers, following on from working as a gardener for many years.

I also enjoy painting in oils, acid etching, and fabric printing with linocut blocks. I have made a series of lampshades with my linocut block printed fabric, and have run workshops to introduce others to this process.

I attended Northbrook College in Worthing for many years as a mature student, studying Observational Drawing and Painting, Life Drawing, Composition, Sculpture and Painting. I had never made linocuts before, until I had the opportunity to do so as part of my Composition class.

I was born in Isleworth in West London in 1957. My childhood was spent in Australia and New Zealand, returning to England in 1967. After attending Brighton Polytechnic in the late 70’s, and falling in love with the Downland landscape and the sea, I eventually returned to Sussex with my family in 1989, and have lived in Worthing ever since.

During the course of my studies I also learnt about British twentieth century art, especially finding inspiration from the work of Eric Ravilious and his friend the linocutting expert, Edward Bawden. I am a volunteer Gallery Assistant at Pallant House Gallery in Chichester.

I have taken part in exhibitions in local galleries such as Colonnade House: I have work for sale in local shops, and I’ve taken part in Worthing Artists Open Houses for many years.