Sunday Sketchers – Perspective in the landscape

Event Date:
Event Time:
2:00 pm
Event Location:
Montague Gallery
Michelle will recap one and two point perspective and explain how vanishing points work within a natural landscape view.
We will also consider how to use aerial perspective to create depth in our work.
We will then create a pencil drawing of a view of the South Downs.
You will need to bring a pencil, rubber, ruler and a sketchbook (at least A4 size) to this session.
Event FAQs
There is a maximum of 10 people per course.
You can be added to the waiting list if you cannot attend, or the course is sold out.
We can only give refunds in exceptional circumstances. We will however offer an alternative date or course.
We will take a short break for tea and biscuits for refreshments.
Yes, absolutely everyone is welcome!